Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Dash 10.19.11

We are getting so close to receiving travel plans!  We have received our final approval from the United States and awaiting the last approval from China.  Once that is received we will begin our travel plans.  Wouldn't that be the best Christmas gift ever...bringing Dash home.

In the meantime we had requested updates for our little boy.  Below is exactly what was written by the translator and thought that everyone would get a kick out of it:

"Now he can walk independently.  He can grasp food and put into his mouth. He will squat when he has pees or bowel movements. He can point to the object he wants. If he wants to sleep, he will grasp his foster grandma’s hands and point to the room he sleeps in. He can say mamma, papa and grandma. He can wave goodbye. He enjoys listening to music. He will point to his head when he wants to wear a hat. He isn’t afraid of pets or animals. He can have table food and likes sweet food. If he keeps moving his body or cry before bedtime, it indicates that he wants to urinate. He likes to play outside. He can squat and then stand up independently. He can also pull himself up when he falls."

We also received his latest growth measurements.  He currently weighs 19.8 lbs, Height 29.1 inches, and 4 little teeth.  Greg decided to compare Sophie's measurements with Dash at that same age and strangely enough they are almost all identical at that age.  We are so thrilled to know that he's doing well and healthy.  I think we feel a bit sad that we've missed that one milestone of seeing our baby walk for the first time, but we'll get over it. 

Hope to hear from you all on the comment page at the end of the blog. 

Peace out!


  1. Our prayer is to receive Dashell by the end of the year!

  2. What a gorgeous little boy! I can't even imagine how excited you 3 must be to jump on that plane to grab your newest member. He is so blessed to be able to join you sweet family.
    We love you guys so much!!! ~ The Jepsons

  3. What an exciting and fantastic adventure! Looking forward to hearing about the progress.
